House/Property Selection
Comparing 2 houses (< 3000 sq. ft.)
US $700
Are you or your clients looking for a house and cannot decide which one to choose? Perhaps you would like a bit of help just to narrow down your search without having a full feng shui analysis of the properties. Then what you’d need is a House Selection Consultation.
Using Classical Feng Shui, this assessment will only focus on the two (2) properties that you have submitted for comparison. Keep in mind that this is not a full analysis of the properties but an overview of the feng shui potential of each property to assist you in making a more informed choice in your decision.
What We Need From You
You will need to send us the necessary information listed below to help us prepare a thorough feng shui reading of your home.
Scaled floor plan of the 2 properties with accurate compass directions and the location of each room (E.g. bedroom, kitchen, living room) as laid out in the floor plan.
Accurate compass facing and sitting of both houses/properties.
Birth dates (year, month, day, and time) and genders of family members. Limit of 4 members.
The year the 2 properties were built
The year the 2 properties had a major renovation (if applicable).
Include your full name and contact information (complete address, telephones/fax numbers, email address).
Any other information, photos, or diagrams relevant to the feng shui reading.
Please send the above information to:

Terms & Conditions Please be advised that fees are not refundable. A feng shui analysis and reading calculate probabilities and not guarantees or certainties. As such, one cannot assume that you can change anything or everything in your home to obtain good feng shui. Client Privacy Policy Your privacy is important to us. All information supplied through the course of our work will be kept confidential. We will ask for your permission in the event that we would like to use your names as references for our work. Prior permission to use client’s names for marketing will have been obtained prior to its use.